Healing Grief Poem

A block to healing is worldly grief

Rooted and grounded in unbelief.

Trauma and loss can lead one to say

That God’s gift of healing is not for today.

Might we unwittingly think God has lied?

Could it be that we have listened to pride?

A broken, contrite heart God won’t despise

But a bitter heart feeds on a diet of lies.

Haughty eyes do not clearly see

But the truth shall make us free.

Let us not in self-pity grumble;

God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

Self-pity loves to continually mope;

It claims that Christ’s stripes will give you false hope.

The accuser of the brethren (a case he has built)

That if you preach healing, on the sick you heap guilt.

But we have an Advocate whose blood states His case.

He has made available His glorious grace.

The accuser’s voice tempts our hearts to live in fear

So that we lose sight that our Healer is near.

Chronic grief makes our bones waste away,

But what if we started to heal more today?

Losing hope will make our heart sick,

Healing the broken heart gets hope to stick.

A desire fulfilled is a tree of life;

A hard, proud heart will kindle strife.

So fix your eyes on your living hope.

If He is your anchor, your trust is the rope.

Perfect love casts out fear.

There is no fear in love; Salvation is here.

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